Speculation rife over death of 9/11 truther Phillip Marshall

(Digital Journal) -9/11 truther Phillip Marshall penned conspiracy theories in  his books, believing the Bush administration worked with Saudi intelligence to  facilitate the attack on the twin towers. Now Marshall’s own death in February  has turned into a conspiracy theory.

Digital  Journal reported the death of Phillip Marshall and his two teenage children  was determined to be a murder-suicide. However, the death of Marshall has led to  speculation that he and his children were the victims of a professional murder  involving the CIA as details of his own past involvement with CIA black  operations are revealed.

Wayne Masden, former national security  officer, claims he is “100 percent certain that 9/11 investigator and  author Philip Marshall and his two children were killed in a black ops hit.” He  said “the crime scene was illegally cleaned up by professionals.”

Conspiracy theories regarding  Marshall’s death are at odds with the official account so far released.

The Calaveras County Sheriffs  Department claimed “Philip Marshall killed his two teenage kids, his dog, and  himself” according to 21st Century Wire, further noting “the police have no  motive, no suicide note, and no indication that Marshall fit the profile of  someone who murdered the two people closest to him.”

Toxicology and pathology reports are  still pending the Santa Barbara Review reports, even though police have  already labelled the three deaths as murder-suicide.

According to the EU Times, Marshall, who believed the reported account of the  death of Osama bin Laden was a farce, was working on his fourth book which could  be his death warrant.


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