(Fairfax, VA)– The ADAM VS THE MAN team attended a second bond hearing for Adam Kokesh this morning at 9AM. He remains a political prisoner at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center where he is being held because of charges that were filed after the police raided his Herndon residence on July 9, 2013. Adam’s initial bond hearing was Monday, and he was granted cash bond at $5,000- meaning that he would have to pay the bond in full and in cash in order to be released. Adam chose to appeal Monday’s decision. The public defender argued that Adam is not a flight risk, has no indication of being a threat to the community, and has a history of appearing at his court summons on time, every time. A guard was quoted by the public defender noting that Adam was “a pleasant person” and the detention center staff have had “no problems” with him. The public defender also noted that no illegal weapons were found inside the residence, and Adam is denying possession of any illicit substances that were purportedly obtained during the search.

The judge denied Adam’s request for personal recognizance, and provided Adam two options for his release, both contingent on the payment of the $5000 cash bond. The Virginia State Police feel that Adam is a flight risk,and set additional conditions for his release, both of which would be supervised. Firstly, two lieutenants and a deputy of the Virginia State Police and the Fairfax County Police would be required to be notified of Adam’s release. Secondly, Adam would not be allowed to possess a firearm or be in contact with those who own firearms. These conditions are worse than those granted to a convicted felon. The other option that the judge offered was to allow Adam to stay in a local homeless shelter, if the requirements specific to firearms could not be met.

It should also be noted that the affidavit that allowed Raymond Morrogh to pull the warrant for the Virginia State Police is still sealed at this time. The judge has not yet seen the affidavit.

On the afternoon of July 18, 2013 Adam was served with an additional warrant in the District of Columbia, regarding the alleged firearms violations stemming from his July 4th YouTube video, as well as a retainer issued by Fairfax County. Adam cannot move forward on the Federal charges unless he is released or posts bond. Since he was denied personal recognizance today, his only available options are to pay the $5000 cash bond, or remain a political prisoner until at least October 2nd, provided that lab results on suspected drugs supposedly obtained in the search have been released. The public defender made it clear in court today that it is unlikely that the tests will be completed by October 2nd.

This is a clear violation of a peaceful activist’s right to a fair and speedy trial, for the sole purpose of feeding the local authorities and US Parks Police’s vendetta against him. The government overreach present in this case has been highly specious, and serves as a prime example of the repeated attacks on the civil liberties of all who stand to challenge its monolithic oppressive force.

Now is the time for all free, beautiful and independent individuals to come together to support the plight of an inspiring independent journalist, and to stand together in solidarity to make it clear that the public will not stand for this gross violation of natural rights. In order to obtain appropriate counsel for this landmark case, Adam needs to raise $10,000 in order to obtain appropriate counsel, in addition to the $5,000 cash bond. He needs to do this in order to move forward in the legal quagmire that the US Parks Police has established in coalition with local, state and federal authorities of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Please direct all fund raising endeavors to For any questions regarding your donation, please contact



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