Hoax or Not, The Virginia News Crew Shooting Has an Alarming Amount of Inconsistencies (Updated)

Virginia Shooter

By now we all know what happened over the work week, and by now we all know there are many different theories going around. Some are wildly insane, but some have some ground to them. In my own opinion, the incident is more than fishy.

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(Fairfax, VA)– The ADAM VS THE MAN team attended a second bond hearing for Adam Kokesh this morning at 9AM. He remains a political prisoner at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center where he is being held because of charges that were filed after the police raided his Herndon residence on July 9, 2013. Adam’s initial bond hearing was Monday, and he was granted cash bond at $5,000- meaning that he would have to pay the bond in full and in cash in order to be released. Adam chose to appeal Monday’s decision. The public defender argued that Adam is not a flight risk, has no indication of being a threat to the community, and has a history of appearing at his court summons on time, every time. Continue reading