Arizona Republicans Are Trying to Pass a Bill to Decrease Police Brutality Transparency


What starts as a routine traffic stop turns into an argument. Tempers flare, handcuffs come out and soon, the suspect is dead — but the media can’t report which officer fired the shot that ended the driver’s life.

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Many Bostonians Love And Worship The Miltiarized Police State

The video and images depicting the havoc caused in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing were undoubtedly a disturbing sight. Even more disturbing were the sights and sounds of Bostonians celebrating and cheering the capture of suspect number two following the implementation of a full-blown militarized police state in and around Boston. These mindless sheep were cheering the suspect’s capture despite the fact that the FBI and local police forces have still failed to produce any concrete evidence proving that either of the two suspects planted the bombs. Even worse was how many of these mindless zombies were cheering the militarized police forces that put the city under a state of martial law in the name of capturing a single 19-year-old young man.

It is a documented fact that these militarized police forces conducted warrantless unconstitutional door to door searches and restricted travel for no justifiable reason. These types of warrantless searches are a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. The actions taken by Governor Deval Patrick and the militarized police goons were unlawful according to the supreme law of the land and a misuse of government resources. Even after conducting these unlawful searches for hours on end the storm troopers still failed to find the suspect that they were looking for. Once the so-called lock down was lifted the suspect was found minutes later by a man who saw something suspicious near his boat after he was allowed to leave his home. If these idiots didn’t roll out full-blown martial law throughout the area and simply asked for the public’s help in locating this person, the suspect would have been found much sooner. This is just one reason why it is disgusting to see how so many brainwashed robots were cheering the police forces who conducted these illegal operations.

The state of martial law in and around Boston undoubtedly resulted in a tremendous amount of revenue lost for businesses in and around the area. Of course the stooges in the corporate media won’t talk about that or the legality and the wisdom of such a boneheaded operation. The reason they won’t is because the roll out of a militarized police force in the name of safety and security is now an accepted norm in America.

People just don’t seem to understand that operations like these do not guarantee your safety or security. As I’ve pointed out in previous articles covering the Boston Marathon bombing, there was a huge police presence at the Boston Marathon. Despite the vast number of police and security forces, they still failed to prevent the bombing. When one understands that the government has a historical track record of staging attacks like these in order to justify different agendas, it makes perfect sense as to why all of these security forces couldn’t prevent the attack. However, if we were to assume that this was a real attack that wasn’t sanctioned by official channels, this was a huge police failure. Of course we don’t see anybody in the media questioning the failure of the police to keep people safe do we? Instead, we see talking head propagandists calling for more police, more security, more searches, more cameras and other assorted bull shit.

What we are witnessing is similar to what we saw after the September 11th attacks when the corporate media failed to scrutinize the obvious incompetence of military officers who failed in their duty to protect the country. Instead, many of those people who displayed gross incompetence in dealing with the September 11th attacks were given promotions. Undoubtedly this was done to keep these people happy and discourage them from blowing the whistle on the countless anomalies that occurred that day.

The bombings have also presented new opportunities for re-emphasizing the worship of the militarized police state at professional sporting events. Worshipping members of the military and police at baseball games, football games and other breads and circus spectacles has become a quasi-religious experience for people ever since the September 11th attacks. We were able to witness this in full force at the recent Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park that took place following the capture of the 2nd suspect. A pre-game ceremony remembering the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing included a video presentation combining sappy music with images of American flags and police. Not surprisingly, the presentation drew a pavlovian like reaction of cheers and applause from the fans. Red Sox player David Ortiz would even come out thanking Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino proclaiming that it was their fucking city and that nobody was going to dictate their freedom. Perhaps Ortiz forgot that the same people he was thanking were responsible for putting the entire city under martial law just a short period of time ago. Footage showing the actions of SWAT teams forcing families out of their homes without any warrants or probable cause have been posted all over different video sharing web sites. Here’s a clip from CNN reporting on the specifics of the unlawful searches including how they were breaking into people’s homes.

The worship of police officers and members of the military being portrayed as heroic figures has become a national mental illness perpetuated by exaggerated media propaganda and fear mongering. Even though there might be a few good police officers who do their job and uphold civil liberties, there are far too many cases of the police abusing their authority and engaging in an assortment of illegal activities. Many police officers are nothing more than common criminals who enjoy bullying people around. People in third world countries already have a general understanding that the police are corrupt and shouldn’t be trusted but unfortunately it looks like most Americans haven’t quite grasped this concept yet.

VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed

BREAKING: Serious Condition of Boston Suspect Raises Questions About What Police Did and When


21st Century Wire

This is a real video. Was this the suspect Tamerlan in the video, or not?

If it’s not, then what is the name of this person in the video?

PREFACE: There appear to be a number of omissions and changes in the official story this week, some of which we’ve already exhibited here , here and here, and this is why we are asking this question about this video.

The following video below is a clip was just released via YouTube. It may have been shot on a hand-held camera or phone. It aired on CNN. We are told it also aired on a Brazilian television news channel covering the Boston Bomber suspect chase.

PHOTO: Suspect number one, older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev – is this the man in the video?

This UNCONFIRMED video which we are told appeared on Brazilian TV earlier today appears to have been shot at the scene of the Boston Police Dept’s arrest of suspect bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev – the video clearly shows the 26 year old being escorted to BPD vehicle whilst handcuffed and not wounded, which in total contradiction to official reports which claim the suspect was shot by police and then run-over by his younger brother in a stolen SUV in Sommerville, MA.

Please bookmark and share this video, and do continue to ask questions about what happened on the evening April 18th and the morning of April 19th, 2013, so the public can better determine the truth of all that really happened.

Could it be the same Tamerlan Tsarnaev that Federal authorities and Boston police say was shot and died at the scene of a shootout?

Make up your own mind…

We found this video originally at YouTube Channel “Hebert D.”

CNN news also briefly aired this very clip yesterday, and also presented here in a different edit, but gave little information as to who was actually apprehended here. See the brief and somewhat ambiguous CNN explanation in this video:

UPDATE: Medical examiners rule out that older brother Tamerlan could have been run-over by SUV

Despite claims in the media which originated from law enforcement, Dr. Richard Wolfe, head of the hospital’s Emergency Department, could not see any evidence of this claim. The Boston Herald reported:

“When asked about reports that Tsarnaev was run over by a vehicle driven by his fleeing brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Wolfe said he did not see any obvious injuries that would back up that theory.

“I certainly did not see any tire marks or the usual things we see with someone run over by a car,” he said.

Please leave your comments or any information on this subject in our comments section below the article.

If you can help to verify the first video’s authenticity, please contact us.